There was a day, not too many years ago, that I had a bag of groceries show up on my porch when I needed it. I needed it physically, and I needed and spiritually. I literally needed the groceries. And, probably more importantly, I needed to know that I was not alone. That I had not been forgotten by God. That I was being cared for. That the God that promised to take care of my needs was truly was going to do that. I remember how that one bag of groceries impacted me. I remember Corey and I talking during that time in our lives and saying that if we were ever able to help people the way that we had been helped, we would. We were resolved to not forget.
Last week, I got to be a tiny part of being the blessing instead of being the one that was getting blessed. (Although, I think we all know that *being* a blessing is more of blessing than anyone can imagine.) My friend Kristine is a single mom to 3 beautiful teenage daughters. Last week 2 friends and I delivered what a multitude of people had given to our friend. Some that know her, many who don't. We did this because we are family. We are brothers & sisters in Christ. We care for each other. We love because He first loved us. Anything good in us is because of Love. And, as most of us learned in Sunday School as a child, God is love. He is what compels us to do good. The reason why we would even want to.
This holiday season, I pray that we all look around to see the needs around us. I hope we all can find a way to be used to bless someone in need. Physically, spiritually, or emotionally in need. And I hope that that practice won't end when we are packing away our Christmas decorations in January. I hope that we all - Including me. Especially me - will be available to be used as the hands of God in a hurting world. Every day. For His glory.
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