Christmas break. We made it. Corey was gone for the morning one day last week, and I was sleeping in a bit. I woke to the sounds of someone in the living room. I got up to find Jack. He had turned on Christmas music, had tidied up the room, and was working on making a fire in the fireplace. For me. He asked me to sit on the couch with him. We visited. Just him and me. I enjoyed him. Completely.
This little boy shows me things about himself all the time that are not so little at all. He is a compassionate, strong, thoughtful boy. He's growing into a man that I am proud of. He will be attentive to the needs of those around him as he grows up. He will be good at loving others.
And for now, I have the privilege of training him. Observing him. Enjoying him. And I get to do this along with his father who is setting the best example of manhood and servanthood that I have ever seen.
I am so thankful.
I love that. He's so thoughtful!